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A cosmetic exfoliation procedure is when your Skin care professional apply an exfoliant substance with the purpose of improving the skin appearance.

There are two forms of exfoliation:

  1. Chemical exfoliation and

  2. Mechanical exfoliation

Chemical Exfoliation, is the process of removing the dead superficial skin cells with chemical exfoliants.

Mechanical Exfoliation, Is when you use instruments like microdermabrasion or granular scrubs, texture sponges, or gommage that requiere rubbing.

Let's be aware of frequent mistakes regarding an exfoliation:

You may be applying an incorrect exfoliator, or you may be doing this too often.

When you do an exfoliation too often and/or, if you use an incorrect product; you may disrupt the natural skin barrier.

What is the Skin Barrier?

The Skin Barrier is the outermost layer of your skin. It defends your body against a constant onslaught of the environment. A few other benefits are:

  1. Keeps bacteria out of your skin.

  2. Protects form allergens.

  3. Protects from irritation.

  4. Simultaneously protecting your body's critical water balance. Meaning that keeps water in.

Remember: Symptoms such as dryness, itching, and inflammation can alert you to a disturbance in this important barrier.

Benefits of an Exfoliation

Yuour Skin Care professional and the exfoliation product work breaking the skin barrier protection without causing damages. When the exfoliation is part of our personal skin care routine it all dependa on your skin type, your needs, and the purpose for your exfoliation procedure, then you will see the results after one application or after a recurring use.

  • Improves the Skin texture, when you feel and see that your skin does not have an even texture, an exfoliation can help.

  • Improve dyspigmentation, because of hyperpigmentation and/or melasma your skin may be out of tone or, after acne you may suffer from dark spots. Then exfoliation is a great support. Exfoliation is key and a big addition to treat acne skin.

  • Get rid of dead skin cells.

  • Promote collagen growth.

  • Also has anti-aging benefits.

Exfoliation: Before and After benefits

What products to use?

We can group the beneficial products as follows;

All of these have different rolls, they have different chemical structures. If you learn how to choose among them, you will find very useful for your skin.

What does this "group" means:

For the Group 1 - Alpha Hydroxy Acids: Glycolic Acid, Lactic Acid, Mandelic Acid

For the Group 2 - Beta Hydroxy Acids: Salicylic Acid

For the Grupo 3 - Poly Hydroxy Acids are considered the second-generation of AHA. The most common are: Gluconolactone, Galactose, and Lactobionic acid.

Depending on your skIn type:

For Normal or Combination Skin: Use Glycolic Acid

For Dry Skin: Use Lactic Acid

For Sensitive Skin: Use Mandelic Acid and/or of Poly Hydroxy Acids, these works wonderful on rosacea.

For Oily or Acne Skin: Use Salicylic Acid.

Important: Do not use "scrubs" on your face.

Exfoliating scrubs works wonderful in your body, not in your face.

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